Meet Your Coaches

Dr. Erin Avery

I’m a licensed health and fitness expert specializing in nutrition and training. I began my journey as a certified personal trainer back in 2015, first obtaining my ACE certification. Since then I’ve worked with 100’s of individuals, improving body composition, athletic performance and overall quality of health. My passion lies in providing education and guidance in the fitness community. Having the opportunity to work with amazing individuals on a daily basis who want to improve their life is something I had always dreamed of. Now that my dream is a reality I seek to give my clients the best experience I possibly can and always provide attention, support and value.

My areas of expertise include: Weight management, weight training, body assessments, nutrition supplement familiarity, program development, sport-specific training, and contest preparation

Trevor Adams

The objective of any lifter is to realize their potential in relation to their own goals. There is no secret to making progress. My mission, state short and sweet, is to start with what is minimally effective in order to create progress. Lifters will be required to perform basic compound movements focusing initially on technique, range of motion, mobility and core control. After the lifter shows sufficient control over their body and the load, the rest is all simple. Continue to perform the workouts as specified. You will be asked to push yourself, create a stimulus in the target muscle groups, and then go home. Sessions should take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Everyone has a life, so it’s best to keep training simple.

My areas of expertise include: Weight management, weight training, program development, sport-specific training, and contest preparations.

What We Offer

  • A supportive environment to get you to your fitness goals

  • 8 years of expertise

  • One on One coaching tailored to your own fitness goals

  • Knowledge on both powerlifting competitions and body building competitions

  • Our own private community of like minded people

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