Client Testimonials

“Erin is absolutely amazing. I am grateful to have worked with her. She listens, is understanding, and basis my plan off of ME. There are no shortcuts with her and she doesn’t sell you on an unrealistic dream or timeframe. The workouts are always geared towards ME and my needs. She is very quick to respond to a check in or a form check or anything really. I’ve had form checks done by her in the middle of my lifting session with no prior notice beforehand. She truly cares about her clients and that shows in everything that she does. You can’t go wrong choosing Erin to guide you through your fitness journey. You won’t regret it!”

"Erin and Trevor are so attentive to my crazy schedule and creates workouts that I can complete in a timely manner. I love check ins and any constructive criticism I receive back from sending in workout videos of my form (I am always looking for ways to improve). Erin is so supportive but also knows how to push me and that is so important in a coach and trainer! I love seeing the little changes to my body each week, and each tweak we make in my program shows results. I’m glad I am working with Erin and Trevor, they really know how to help me reach my goals and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle"

“Working with Airin has been challenging, empowering and inspirational all at once. Her support and compassionate accountability has helped me greatly improve my eating habits and health choices. The workouts she designs bring both fun and hard work to the gym. I’m incredibly excited about taking part in this program and look forward to my continued growth on this journey.”

“I would not be where I am today without Erin! I had wanted to compete in a bikini bodybuilding show since college but I had never met the right coach for me. Before working with Erin I tried working with a few coaches with very unsustainable and non-evidence based approaches. It wasn't until I met Erin and saw what being an elite athlete with balance could look like. Before working with Erin I did not know anything about nutrition. I had never tracked macros or learned how to fuel myself properly. I did not know the difference between what seemed healthy and how I actually needed to eat to reach my goals. Erin walked me through it all. From my first posing lesson ever (eek) to the entire prep and finally stepping on stage. Beyond the physical results we got, she helped me overcome my all-or-nothing mindset around food, and was always there to listen and ask the hard questions that helped me grow as an athlete. Erin cares so dang much and I am so happy with the way she prioritized my health along the entire prep. You could not be in better hands with Erin as your coach."

“Working with Erin kept me on track and accountable with a personally tailored daily workout plan. At 59, with knee and back limitations, the workouts were fun and suited to my capabilities. I gained strength and tone losing a total of 45 pounds abbs dropping from a size 16 to 12. The check-ins helped with questions and motivation! Highly recommend!”

“Hands down the best customized training program! This program is perfectly customized to help me achieve my goals hitting both nutrition and training. Airin and Trevor are very Knowledgeable, motivating and inspiring. They are both attentive to my feedback and always make themselves available when needed. Although I’ve always had self discipline and have trained for years, I never achieved the success and the amazing body recomposition transformation I achieved this past year since joining the program in 2021. I did my first bikini competition with Airin coaching me every step of the way. She made sure she was available for me as my coach but most importantly as my cheerleader. She motivated me, and made sure I was ok both physically and mentally during prep. I ENJOY this program so much. I look forward to waking up early and grabbing those heavy weights.”

“Erin's coaching has completely transformed my relationship with weightlifting after only 2 months. I never saw myself getting a remote personal trainer off of Instagram, but we had the PhD journey in common. I knew that I needed a trainer who didn't just pretend to understand my experience, and this has made all the difference. She schedules workouts that push me out of my comfort zone to the perfect extent. She is incredibly encouraging and responsive to my messages, and does not judge if I slip up on my nutrition plan or miss a workout. Erin is my first personal trainer, and I feel like I am getting the full experience. I trust her, and look forward to the work we have yet to do!”

“My time working with Erin was such a pleasant experience. Every single workout felt adequately challenging. I constantly hit PRs in the gym. I never felt restricted or overworked during our time together. From the beginning she made it very clear with how conservative she wanted to be with my cut in order to preserve as much muscle mass as possible, which made my cut mentally doable. My physique was absolute fire, but most importantly, it was achieved in a way that didn't make me sacrifice my well-being. She is also just a sweet and overall encouraging person.”

“What i found helpful was the accountability to a very clear set of goals set by Erin and Trevor. I have been on a lot of eating plans, fad diets and exercise classes. Her emphasis on consistent attention to portions, exercise, sleep and water was very helpful. I have a new mindset snd the anxiety and frustration have decreased in intensity. I know I’m going to reach my goals while enjoying certain days out of the year and never feeling deprived or panicked about good again. Thanks Erin and Trevor"

“Oh man ... Short? Okay I'll try lol 😂

I've wanted to pursue bodybuilding as a profession for a while. I'm talking years. It never seemed within my realm of reach because I was being mishandled left and right. I knew there was a way to accomplish this dream but I felt lost on how to execute a plan to get there while trusting the guidance I was receiving. Then I met Erin. When I tell you working with Erin single handedly changed my life. I had previously stepped back from competing for almost two years. I had decided it was best to not compete until I had done my homework. My first competition with Erin after that 2 year hiatus I placed first and qualified for nationals. All thanks to the hands on guidance provided by Erin. Her communication is excellent, her workouts are well thought out and easy to work with, and she truly has an eye for what the judges will look for. Her nutritional guidance is borderline genius. I have nothing but incredible things to say. Erin is stuck with me as an athlete, I wouldn't trust another person to get me where I am trying to go. I know, in her hands, we'll get there.”

“Erin helped me find more confidence at the gym. I used to stick to a routine of the same 3-4 machines because I didn’t know how to use any of the other gym equipment and was too intimidated to try them on my own. Erin’s workout program helped push me to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. By sticking to these weekly routines I’ve felt myself become stronger thanks her program and have gained more energy throughout the day. Erin is very supportive and provides great advice to better your form”

“Erin is great. She’s so understanding and considerate of your comfort level in diet and workout regiment. Even when you stray from the plan, she always encourages you to just hop back on track and try again. There’s never any scolding or guilting of any kind. She just wants you to be your strongest happiest self. The weekly check ins are awesome. With words of advice, form checking, hyping you up, tips to keep you in your macros, recipes to try etc., it is always such a please to hear from her every week, and throughout the week as well if you reach out in between check ins. The workouts kick my butt and I couldn’t ask for a better coach."

“Erin has been helpful during my fitness journey! I definitely noticed a difference in my body and strength. I definitely feel that I've been able to improve my relationship with food due to our weekly check-ins. The workouts are great and everything has a video if there's something new. Erin is awesome about clarifying exercises and providing encouragement! Definitely going to be sticking with her for a while!”

“I’ve spent a lot of time over the years working out and would even write my own workouts. Unfortunately I didn’t see a big improvement for how much time I was putting in. The difference that Erin brought to my routine was structure and accountability. The workouts I was writing for myself didn’t make a whole lot of sense with the goals I had. Her expertise and experience structured a workout that helped me actually work towards my specific goals instead of doing random exercises that I thought would help. The accountability aspect is one I feel like I need more now than every with my busy life paired with my enjoyment of endulging (I’m a foodie and love good beer and wine 🤷🏻‍♀️). Having someone check in on me weekly has helped me more than I thought, like someone is looking out for me so I feel the need to make her proud, even though I still occasionally have my off weeks! Erin has continued to offer me adjustments, suggestions, and guidance through my journey, and has supported me as my goals have continued to change overtime! Im at 200 workouts (literally today!!) so far this year and have seen the biggest change in my body, healthy, and how I feel in the last 10 months than I ever did in my 10 years of weight training and working out! Grateful is an understatement!”

“Before I found Airin/Trevor, I felt a little lost with my progression in a box gym. As a personal trainer myself, I have a general knowledge of fitness. However, when it came to my own goals, I needed some guidance. With the help of this coaching program, I have put on almost 15lbs of muscle in the last year. I am the strongest and most confident version of myself. Airin and Trevor are always quick to communicate with me and encouraging whatever goals I throw their way. It’s truly has been such a gift to myself. Highly recommend!”

“Airin has been the best coach! I’ve been working with her since August and I am down about 12 pounds but have increased my strength and confidence even more than that! All my workouts have been a perfect mix of training without being overwhelming and Airin is always available to answer any questions I have! Not having a coach with me in the gym real time to critique my form can be difficult but, Airin really helps breakdown the videos I send over and give helpful advice to improve. I love the weekly check-ins and the fact that I can message her whenever I have questions and she gets back to me quickly! She really takes into consideration what I like when building my workouts and makes sure I’m enjoying it. I love how far I’ve come so far and I’m excited to see where we can take it in the next few months!”

“When I first started working with Airin and Trevor almost a year ago, I had already been lifting weights for a few years. They helped me break down each exercise and really start to build a better foundation. Now not only am I stronger now but I understand the mechanics of the movements. Their feedback whether it’s diet related or exercise is always very consistent and concise. I feel like I’m finally getting the results that I’ve always wanted.”

“I love how the program gave me more structure at the gym and with nutrition. I’m making more progress than I ever did before. The best thing is that Erin and Trevor understand that there can be other things going in at times and they are super understanding.”

“I love working with Erin and Trevor! They are so easy to communicate with and always very positive and understanding. Trevor is so passionate and knowledgeable about exercising - he wants you to learn not only to “workout” but why and how. He always answers my questions in a timely manner and gives great feedback about how to correct my form. My check-ins with Erin are always fun. She cares so much about her clients and always give great and positive feedback. She is so quick to respond and gives you the right pointers to stay on track. She will accommodate to your needs and goals. I admire Erin so much, not only for the physique she has built but because she genuinely cares about people. There’s no cookie cutter workout or diet here! Overall, I felt so much stronger, but above all I feel confident going into the gym and working out!”

“After training for over 10 years on my own, I signed up for Erin’s coaching hoping to learn how to continue to progress and get out of a plateau. After six months with Erin and Trevor, I can say that not only have I come out of that plateau, but I’ve gotten significantly stronger without aggravating my numerous existing injuries. Being able to train - and progress - long term is my ultimate goal. Despite having a torn meniscus, Trevor’s programming has allowed me to slowly build up to strong, full ROM squats with zero pain. When I started the program I was fresh off an MRI for a shoulder/clavicle issue, and now I can do sets of unassisted pull ups and chin ups. Even if you have a ton of experience, properly written programming - like what Erin and Trevor offer here - makes all the difference. They account for injuries, proper rest periods, progressions and deloads to ensure your body has adequate time to adapt and recover (while also getting stronger and fitter).”

“The workouts are simple yet still leave me feeling accomplished when I’m finished. Coach Airin and Coach Trevor are very involved and help to not only get you where you want to be but also help you understand the why behind their methods/ programming. Being able to message them is super helpful because they are quick with responses and provide all, if not more, information that you need. Since working together I have lost lower back pain that I had while deadlifting and squatting and have improved form and feel stronger with my lifts overall.”

“I have really enjoyed my workouts with Airin; I like simple and effective and know it can work if you give it time. I really enjoy the community built through Discord every day, and more recently with different fitness-related demos and seminars held by our trainers. I am pretty free to eat what I want as long as I stick to my plan, so I've really had the freedom to explore food, explore different diets (like vegan), and see how my body responds. I definitely feel stronger, feel on track with my goals, and am looking forward to sharpening my physique even more.”

“Although I am still working towards goals every day, the process is made so much easier and fun getting to work with Erin and Trevor as my trainers. They are there with any questions I have which is why I lovr being able to message and set up meetings with them. They not only put together my plan, but always keep me in the loop with what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. They keep me educated in all of the steps I take. My workouts are simple and effective which is something I have learned to love. Workouts don’t need to consist of 10 exercises to see progress, and the 4 exercise workouts that I’ve already done that have killed me taught me that! Nutrition is super important - but they teach you that it can be part of your lifestyle and enjoy all things while still making so much progress and reaching goals. I’m proud of my transformation so far, and I am excited to continue making progress towards my goals with Erin and Trevor.”

“Starting this program was probably the best decision I could have made for myself in learning how to progress in my weight loss goals as well as muscle gain. The workouts are fairly similar to what I’ve been doing before but adding little tweaks and having another set of eyes on form for feedback has been a game changer. I love that Airin and Trevor are so passionate about what they do and that is shown through their reactions and effort put towards us. Being able to send videos, communicate through messaging, and group seminars is super helpful. I’m definitely seeing some physical changes and it’s just the start, I can’t wait to keep pushing on and seeing what we all can accomplish together.”

“I thoroughly enjoy working with this team. I train to compete in powerlifting, which means my primary goal is to get stronger. Compared to other people working with these coaches, that’s a pretty simple goal, but I still feel like my goals and progress are taken seriously. Feedback on my training videos is very helpful, we were able to address some weaknesses in form, which has not happened in the past working with other remote coaches. The programming is effective and free of nonsense or junk that doesn’t serve my goal”

“Honestly I was not sure about having a trainer at first, but I am so glad I took the leap and joined this program! The workouts are challenging but so much fun. I used to weight lift for volleyball years ago, and needed help getting back into it. Being able to have a platform to track my progress and workouts is a game changer! I am no longer lost trying to figure out what exercises to do to see results. Plus having information about how hard to push yourself really helps. Being able to have coaches to talk to and provide support on form, macros, or life in general is amazing! Getting advice on macros, how much to eat, help on what to eat, etc. is so incredible! I always struggled with what to eat to grow muscle and this helps take the uncertainty out if it. Even though right now I am bulking and therefore not super shredded I have really noticed a difference in how my muscles look, the definition I am gaining, and how I am feeling mentally and physically. They are so supportive and really care about your training and progress. The community we have is truly so supportive and I am so thankful for this program!”

“Trevor and Airin have both transformed my life for the better. I learned how to power lift during my time at UCLA and finally felt like I had reached a wall where I needed a trainer/mentor over a year ago. From day one, they have been very attentive to my workouts and what I needed to push through the day, week, and phase of my program. I’m in absolute awe of how strong I’ve been able to get in my compound movements through their coaching - not a week goes by that someone at the gym doesn’t come up to me to ask me how I’m able to squat, deadlift, and hip thrust so much at 145 lbs and as a female. I’m in the best shape of my life at 24 years old despite how hectic my consulting career is (traveling cross country for my HECTIC project in one week on a consistent basis). I knew Airin and Trevor would understand that my career and family are my priority as much as my workouts are because they both went through the same rigor as me at UCLA. However, I didn’t expect them to somehow still cater my workouts to help me get stronger over the past year of working with them. The goal is to compete and definitely feel confident that they can both help me get there in the near future. I would recommend anyone who is dedicated to improving their life to consider their coaching - they have the infrastructure to help anyone at any level reach their physical and health goals.”

“I’ve been a life long competitive athlete and now that I’m an adult I have found it hard to motivate and plan my workouts to stay in shape. Erin’s coaching program is easy, and virtually effortless to follow. I’ve seen results and she’s always available for check ins and consultations. At this point in my life and career, I prefer more of a quiet, go at my own pace style and this program honors that too with is nice!”

“I love that the workouts are tailored to my specific goals and fit my changing abilities. I’ve learned about how to manage my training and understand the training program design. Both Trevor and Erin provide foundational skills based learning experiences while being supportive of the process. I’ve always felt as though I can ask them any question - no matter how insignificant - and they will happily answer it. The 24 hour turn around in messaging through the trainerize app has been great to receive timely feedback that I can immediately apply to future lifts. The nutrition advice and recipes that are available help me try new and exciting foods while staying on track to meet my macro goals. I only wish I had started a little earlier on my lifting journey- but Erin and Trevor are certainly guiding me to meet and exceed my physique goals.”

“I started working with Erin to continue on my journey of binge eating recovery and weight loss. I felt as though binge eating would always be my identity. However, along the way I learned how to correct my eating and workout habits to help my overall growth and overcome the eating disorder. I have tried many programs, but I have stuck with Erin the longest. I will say that I love Erin’s program and will recommend it to anybody. Erin and Trevor offer great support and education on the training they give that I fully trust all their workout and nutrition planning. I had previously come from a background of super restrictive eating and obsessive exercising, which Erin worked with me and gave me a new perspective on how to approach both of those things. I also greatly appreciate coach Trevor for working with my mobility issues and guiding me on my technique/form. I was previously told by past trainers that I would never be able to squat properly due to my stature. However, Trevor told me and showed me otherwise and I am happy to say I can accomplish a squat. But more than that I understand the importance of mobility and how to work on getting good form/technique. Overall, this program is awesome for someone who is looking for a guided/ well rounded approach to their training and nutrition. Coach Erin and Trevor will work with you on any goal you have. I was at first intimidated by the fact that I didn’t have a specific body building goal, but the coaches will support you in whatever journey your on! I truly appreciate this program. Even though my success story is not from a standpoint of huge weight loss I can attest to the change of mindset, gains in strength, and body composition I’ve been seeing. However, your consistency and effort will determine your progress, just trust your coaches and trust the process.”