Workout Programs


She Lifts Academy Team Program Subscription

The team training includes: -Bi-weekly pre-recorded training videos and video review -Weekly training preparation videos -Trainerize team group chat (for video review and questions) This program is aimed towards building overall strength, increasing muscle mass and aesthetics in 4 week phases. Full gym access to equipment required. (will be activated within 24hrs of purchase, cancel anytime).

$150.00 USD / Month


3 Day Split

This program is a 3 day (2 lower body/1 upper body program). Upon purchase, the program will start the following Monday. This avoids the program starting randomly in the middle of the week. Due to the amount of days, you will be asked to train very close to failure during most sets, and throughout the entire week of training. Workouts can be shifted around, but do not perform the lifts out of order. Try to have rest days in between each workout to maximize recovery. Training close to (or to failure) multiple days in a row is not effective. Recovery is your ally!

$50.00 USD /Month

Glute Builder

This is a 4 day program, with two and a half lower body days and one and a half upper body days. Two of the lower days are glute focused. The program will begin the Monday after purchase. There is a program walkthrough which will be sent on the morning of the first day. There are also multiple other videos discussing the general training concepts attached to the program. Each exercise has a video created by Erin and Trevor in order to show you exactly how the movements are expected to be performed.

$50.00 USD / Month

4 Day Split

This is a four day split (two upper body days and two lower body days). The program will start the Monday after purchase. The program is designed to be well rounded. There is no specific focus, but you will be asked to train at high degrees of intensity for each body part you train. Want to get better at pull ups? This program will help. Want better shoulders, glutes, quads? you'll get it.

$50.00 USD / Month

Pull Up Improvement

This is an eight week four day/week program. There are two upper body days and two lower. The goal of this phase is to stimulate hypertrophy through the back in order to progress in pull ups. This is not a program in which you will test your pull ups, rather a program designed to build muscle specific to pull ups. Most people who struggle with pull ups are simply not strong enough to do them. Spend the time building muscle, and you will eventually be doing weighted pull ups! Program will start the Monday after purchase.

$50.00 USD / Month

Quad Killer

$50.00 USD/Month